
Gummy smile


Gummy smile

Gummy smile

A “gummy smile” is when an excessive amount of a person’s upper gum is visible when they smile, which can be a cosmetic concern. This issue can be addressed with Botox injections, as botulinum toxin is used to relax the muscles that elevate the upper lip, reducing gum exposure and creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Botox treatment for a gummy smile involves injections of botulinum toxin into the muscles responsible for elevating the upper lip. Botox weakens these muscles so that when you smile, your upper lip doesn’t rise as high, reducing the exhibition of gum above the teeth.

The ideal candidate is someone who feels self-conscious about the appearance of their smile due to excessive gingival display.

The procedure involves a few quick injections with a fine needle, and discomfort is usually minimal. Dr Kotryna will apply a topical anesthetic to the area prior to injection to minimize pain.

Side effects are generally rare and temporary and may include or swelling at the injection site. There’s a minimal risk of affecting nearby muscles, leading to asymmetry or difficulty moving the lip

Results are usually visible within a few days to two weeks post-treatment, with optimal effects appearing once the muscle relaxes. The outcome generally lasts between 3 to 4 months, and repeated treatments are needed to maintain the effect.